Tuesday, August 30, 2011

{one} what's your guilty pleasure tv show?
I love almost anything on HGTV

{two} ear piercings on men: yes or no?
Goodness NO!

{three} do you have dish or comcast?
Just switched to DirectTV - Love my DVR!

{four} what's your favorite current fashion trend?
Fashion trend?  I have no idea of any current fashion trends.  That's so sad isn't it!  I'm not buying any new clothes since I'm still trying to fit in my pants from before baby #2.  I'm not even sure these pants would fit into any fashion trend - even those from 2 years ago!  

{five} if you could learn to do anything, money not being an issue, what would it be?
I'd love to learn how to cook amazing chef quality food in some fancy school!

{six} red or white wine?
I haven't had a glass of wine in forever.  Tried for a baby #2 for over a year, pregnant, breastfeeding 10 months later.  But as soon as I'm done I will relax with a nice glass of white wine!

{seven} what type of food is your favorite (ex. italian, mexican, etc.)
I love mexican and italian!

{eight} hp or mac?
Mac!  Haven't used a hp in so long it seems so foreign to me.

{nine} what color is your bedroom?
Same boring beige as almost the rest of the house.  Any volunteers to come decorate for me??

{ten} what's your favorite form of exercise?
I love riding my stationary bike and my Turbo Fire workouts!  I suppose if I loved them more I would already fit back into my out of fashion pants!

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